ToyVision Ltd. has an exclusive development partnership with FunSkool India Ltd. and MicroPlastics Pvt. Ltd., working together to connect and nurture manufacturing relationships and offering a credible and competitive alternative to China.
Being the largest Toy Company in India, FunSkool has unrivaled experience of nearly 3O years and has a uniquely diverse skill set. Offering development, OEM manufacturing, localised distribution and brand management, they bring a full support package to you.
MicroPlastics is a state-of-the-art top tier vendor with engineering at their core. Working on an aggressive expansion plan to provide excellence has won them Hasbro Vendor of the Year for 2O16.
Toys and Games are diverse in nature and not all categories can be supported by FunSkool and MicroPlastics alone. ToyVision Ltd. is set up to provide complete cross-category coverage and has extensive relationships through our partners in Hong Kong & China.
Our goal is to support you in every category to find unique commercial solutions from concept generation to shipment.

Who we are:
ToyVision Ltd. are licensed product development experts with
over 25 years of toy invention, toy development and manufacturer; both have been responsible at VP level at TOMY and Vivid Imaginations for over 25 years
Who we have worked for:
Hasbro - Vivid Imaginations - TOMY - Radica
What we know:
Inventor Liaison
Product Development
Engineering & Manufacture
Quality Assurance